The Milk of the Word (Reading Guide)
What to Read
1. The Gospel of John (Read with Intent)
a. Learn Who Jesus is
b. Look at the Person of Jesus
c. Look at how He responds to others.
d. Look at how He treats sinners
e. Look at How He acts in different situations, circumstances…
f. Look at what He teaches
g. Look at what He prays
2. The Synoptic Gospels
(Matthew, Mark, Luke)
a. Focus on the person of Jesus as you did in the Gospel of John
3. Move to the Epistles
(Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, 1st John, etc…)
a. Focus on the contrast between God and man.
b. Focus on the benefits / blessings in Christ
c. Look at the promises in Christ
4. Read Psalms and Proverbs at anytime
a. Learning how to worship
b. Learning how to behave as Godly Individuals.
Read these slowly. There is no need to hurry, as this is not a rush to completion but rather a lifetime of growth. This is the milk of the Word let it sustain and feed you so that you may grow by it.
What to “temporarily” avoid reading
1. The book of Revelation
a. This can be a very confusing and frightening read.
b. May get you off on peripheral doctrinal studies and away from the focus of Christianity.
2. Avoid the Major and Minor Prophets
a. The exception to this would be the latter portions of Isaiah
b. These can be very graphic depictions of God’s wrath towards sin and can give a skewed mindset of the nature of God if misunderstood.
3. Temporarily avoid Job
a. Job is a conversation between individuals and while the Scripture gives an accurate account of everything that was said, the individuals speaking didn’t always speak of God correctly.
4. Temporarily postpone on reading much of the history and books of law.
a. These contain a wealth of information but are sometimes tedious (1&2 Chronicles) and can sometimes discourage someone from reading.
b. These books have concealed the picture of Christ in them. It is good for one to know Christ first so that the concealed picture these books contain can be revealed to them.
Note: These books are recommended to be TEMPORARILY avoided as they can be tough to process. This is by no means an indefinite recommendation to avoid them. This simply shows what may be digested by a baby or young child and what should be reserved for adults.